Monday, March 14, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Harry Callahan

Harry Callahan was born in
Jerry Uelsmann

He began teaching photography at the University of Florida in 1960. Uelsmann first solo exibit in 1967 trully oped the doors for his photography career. Uelsmann is a master printer producing composite photographs with multiple negatives and extensive darkroom work. Uelsmann is a champion of the idea that the final image can be composed of multiple negatives. Uulsmann work is composed of allegorical surrealt imagers of quite unfathomable circumstance. Nowadays, photoshop allows people to easily create bizarre, surealist images in less then a day. However, at the time Uelsmann lived previous to all of the technological advancement and many considered his skill almost magical. Today, Uelsmann is retired in Florida and married to his third wife, another famous photographer, Maggie Tayor. Uelsmanns creates mouth-dropping, eye-shocking, incredible photographs.
Andy Warhol